This my irregular diary of the goings-on in my life. Right now, my family and I are in the process of re-locating back to the UK. And that's about it really.

06 December 2009

Well, we made it to the Christmas market, the sun actually came out for a while, so off we went. It was in a tiny little village and was all in all quite pleasant, nice stuff on the stalls, although quite pricey, so didn't buy anything except a cake each for the girls and coffee for my parents.

There was a large church in the middle of it all, and Isabella is often asking me to take her into a church (possibly because there's so many of them over here, must want to know what it's all about). Well religion is not for us, but I had been thinking it was probably about time she started to learn about the origins of Christmas (they don't learn about it at school as state schools are secular), so I said we'd go in and have a look at the nativity display they were advertising. As we were waiting in the queue I gave her a brief overview of what the display would be about. We got near to the display and were herded into a group to hear a little talk, I thought 'oh good, he's going to tell us about the display' - ie about the nativity and I instructed Isabella to listen. Well he did tell us all about the display. He droned on for a good ten minutes, in french, in his best Nigel Mansell voice (very monotone) all about how he made the display, starting from when he started it in October. Snooze fest. Finally we were free to have a closer look, and there it was, very pretty, very well done, three wise men, farm animals, even water running off the roof of the stable, and in the centre Mary and Joseph looking longingly into the crib. However, I must say we were a bit disappointed by the lack of the baby Jesus. I was always taught that he was the star of the show (with the exception of the star of course), but perhaps things have changed since then.

Funnily enough, I was cutting up an apple for the girls earlier today when I found that the stalk had somehow grown inwards and was completely inside the apple, to which Adrian responded that it was the face of Jesus in the apple (eh?). Now he's saying it was prophecy and talking of which, don't I know that the stalk always brings the baby. In his dreams.

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