This my irregular diary of the goings-on in my life. Right now, my family and I are in the process of re-locating back to the UK. And that's about it really.

07 December 2009

I'm full of the joys of christmas at the moment.

My washing machine in the house broke down yesterday. Full of washing and water, wouldn't drain or spin, so that was fun getting it all out. Rang the 'after sales enquiry' line. Note that there is no direct translation for 'helpline' in french. Told them about the breakdown and that another washing machine that we have (for the gites) is also leaking water. Both machines bought this year. They took my details but could give me no idea what so ever on when they would get back to me about it, let alone come and fix it. Hence reason why the french have not been able to translate 'helpline' as they are unable to deal with the 'help' part.

The gas tank for the house is at 15% and we are using approx 1% per day during winter, mostly on heating, but you wouldn't know it. A refill costs about €1000,00. Today is 7 December so that'll be empty just in time for Christmas.

There are holes in the bottom of my winter shoes (only pair). It keeps on raining and my feet keep getting wet. I've had them about four years so can't complain I suppose, but can't afford new ones either so I'm going to try a bit of cardboard in the bottom like people did in the old days.

I have no more wine left in the fridge. Or anywhere else for that matter.

Danyl went out in X-factor last night. Not that I necessarily wanted him to win, but he should have been in the final.

There's no chocolate left in the house.

Right front indicator lens has fallen off car. It's having it's MOT next week (not even thinking about that one) and the garage has said it won't pass without one. Have to have a whole new indicator, apparently cannot just buy a lens.

Must have spent a good €40,00 or so in christmas postage so far. So much for spedning less by buying less presents this year (mostly kids only). I'm going to copy my sister-in-law next year and send everyone e-cards. Don't say you weren't forwarned. I could have bought myself a pair of shoes with that money. Well, part of a pair of shoes anyway, this is France. I also hope that you appreciate my warmest seasonal greetings that I'm posting to you this year - think of me in my wet socks as you open your card in your warm, centrally heated home.

Looked in the mirror this morning and saw a line of something on my face, which I thought was make-up (I do put it on occasionally). Tried to rub it away, but it wouldn't go. Closer inspection revealed yet another new wrinkle.

I could easily go on and on. But I think I should probably stop or else I'll lose the few readers I've got.

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