This my irregular diary of the goings-on in my life. Right now, my family and I are in the process of re-locating back to the UK. And that's about it really.

11 December 2009

Happy at last....

Today the sun shone! All day. Blue sky everywhere! It's so wonderful I just had to tell you all about it, it's about time I wrote something positive here. Went out this morning running errands and what have you and didn't get wet! Wore my shoes with the holes in and my feet stayed dry! Adrian and I spent the afternoon in the garden and I could have stayed out longer, except the sun was starting to go down and I had to fetch Isabella from school. Adrian planted up most of the spring bulbs and I started to finish up the clearing up jobs from autumn which I've been unable to do because of the bad weather. Unfortunately, as I'm pottering about the garden, all I see is more jobs that need doing..... Hopefully it will be dry again over the weeked and we can get out and get some more things done.

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