This my irregular diary of the goings-on in my life. Right now, my family and I are in the process of re-locating back to the UK. And that's about it really.

04 April 2010

Happy Easter everybody!

Watched the film '2012' last night. Very good effects, really enjoyed it, but not a very relaxing film to watch, having spent most of the evening on the edge of the sofa. I noticed they had lots of gestures to other films which was nice of the makers.

For instance - The Italian Job - bus/plane hanging over edge of cliff. Waterworld -world under water, looking for promised land. The Day After Tomorrow - flooded world after major disaster. Titanic - all sorts of scenes on the theme of sinking/flodded ships. Deep impact - Tsunamis, people trying in vain to escape to higher ground, only certain folk with ticket to safety. Independence Day (I think) - Aeroplane taking off from runway just as city is destroyed behind it. There were more, but I can't remember them now. I should have written them down at the time. Or maybe I should just get out more. Also, just one tiny little plot flaw, which is actually quite a big one, during the movie, they made several references to the fact that the world had turned on it's axis and the south pole was last seen at Wisconsin. At the end of the movie, when the picture pans out from the world, the earth seems to have flipped it's axis once again as it's spinning in the way that we know it today -ie north pole in the arctic, south pole in the antartic. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, just thought I'd mention it that's all. Actually, just one other thing - why would they be transporting elephants, giraffes and lions and the like onto the arks. If their resources were limited as they said in the movie and they were trying to save mankind, wouldn't it be better to have cows, sheep, chooks, pigs and the like? Maybe they were there, but surely, leave the exotic animals behind. Unless of course they were planning a new diet in the future of elephant burgers. One elephant would probably feed quite a few folk.

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