This my irregular diary of the goings-on in my life. Right now, my family and I are in the process of re-locating back to the UK. And that's about it really.

23 November 2009

still painting

I think I mentioned a couple of days ago in my rant about french paint, that some of it has a tendancy to be like milk. Well, you'd think that we'd have learnt by now, but no, we have not. I started painting some woodwork. Oh yes, we had bought a very expensive tin of milk (€37,00 for 2.5L). How we did that, I have no idea. It was water-based satin, and we know that we should get oil-based. Luckily, we had a bit of oil-based left in another tin, so I carried on with that. The milk will have to be used for future touch-ups/freshen-ups. I can't believe that someone thought that it would be a good idea to manufacture and sell such rubbish. But then again, I can't believe that we managed to buy it again. On the subject of painting, the blue that came out considerably darker than expected, will be changed. We've bought another tin of (hopefully) lighter blue, although we haven't opened it yet to check. Fingers crossed it's ok, we can't afford to buy any more.

We're not going to change the kitchen in the gite yet either, we're going to hold off until New Year and see how the money situation is. It's a bit scary spending several week's worth of food when you might have no money left within six weeks. It really does need changing, it would make a great improvement in the gite, but then again, I also need to feed my family. I think the kids might want some christmas pressies as well.

We're off down to Nantes tomorrow, Isabella is having lunch at school and Georgia's on a school trip, so doesn't need picking up until 1.30pm, which mum has said she will do. It's a bit of a trip for us (an hour's drive away!) being semi-hermit like these days (I know what you're saying 'what do you mean, 'these days!?'). Anyway, it was my dear hubby's birthday today and he's not getting any younger so I agreed that he (and I) could go and look at motorbike shops in Nantes. He's really looking forward to it.

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