This my irregular diary of the goings-on in my life. Right now, my family and I are in the process of re-locating back to the UK. And that's about it really.

17 June 2010

More bees! Estate Agents!

Well, the beehive mentioned in the previous post has at last been attracting the bees.  Late this morning we noticed lots of them flying around and going in and out of the hive, obviously moving in.  Unfortunately, they're not from round here  - ie not the ones from under the eaves nearby, nor from any of the other eave-bee-hide-outs we have.  They appear to be honey bees and actually I find it all very fascinating.  I'm hoping I'll be able to wangle a visit to see them in situ in the summer.  Here are a few pics:

I must explain the paint job on the front of the house - we are currently in the process of fixing it up a bit and it will look better soon!

The first of the estate agents came this afternoon.  What an arsehole he was.  Typical estate agent mind.  Met him when we went into the agents to make the appointment and didn't really take to him then.  Wouldn't commit to a price.  Kept asking us what we wanted for it, what did we think it was worth.  Well, that was exactly why we are asking the estate agents around, we wanted to know what they thought.  Kept telling me about other houses he's sold and trying to remember the owners names as though I would know them all (local area population somewhere around 50,000 people).  I half expected him to be one of those foreigners who ask you 'how's the queen these days and have you seen her lately?'.   He hardly spent anytime in anywhere, in fact, didn't look at everything (although he did say it looked nice and had been decorated 'with taste'), didn't ask a thing about the business which is part of the sale, or even why we are selling up.  Then I asked him if he had any nice places going in the local area (in case we stay) and he said that he did but he was 'going on holiday on Saturday' 'Are you really?' I respond, slightly confused as to why he felt the need to tell me that. 'Yes, for the whole week, I'm taking the plane'.  'Would you like to borrow my phone, you could call someone who cares?'.  'No thanks' he said 'What I mean is, you won't be able to see any properties in this area'.  'Oh, the agency is closing for everyone to take their holidays is it?' I innocently enquire.  'No, it's only me who's going away, the agency will still be open, but I do your area, so you wan't be able to see any property'  'And no-one else can show us around in your absence?' 'No'.

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