This my irregular diary of the goings-on in my life. Right now, my family and I are in the process of re-locating back to the UK. And that's about it really.

11 March 2010

New Car

I just have to say that I do like our new car. In fact I never knew that it was possible to have such a good ride in a car (in the driving sense anyway). I'm still having issues driving round build up areas because of the size and being on the wrong side of the car, but out on the open road as it were is very nice indeed. I always thought that cars were things that got you from A to B and nothing else, but now I think I might have to go out driving just for the sake of it - be one of those annoying Sunday drivers, with nowhere to go, just enjoying the drive, no idea that there's ten cars lining up behind them. Well, that wouldn't actually happen over here, because french folk are bred with an inability to stay behind another car, they always have to be infront and there is nowhere they wouldn't overtake.

We keeping finding new things that it has and does, which is most exciting, although it doesn't have a handbrake or a key, but apparently that is Modern Technology and perfectly ok. In fact, got in the old car the other day and was revving it so much, wondering why it wasn't going anywhere, when I realised that I needed to take the handbrake off. We did check before we bought it however, that it's not a completely french car and that it does have indicators all round. They are optional extras on cars over here, and most of them don't seem to have them. But it's ok, because they know where they're going.

The new car is still a bit flash for me, I keep thinking that really I should be some gorgeous immaculate woman driving it, not some haggered old mother running late on the school run in comfortable shoes and practical clothing and paint-stained hands. (Current colour of choice - bright aqua-blue. I'm painting the wall in the garden of one of our gites. We really wanted a darker shade, but you can't get blue exterior masonary paint, so had to dye some white paint, but it can't be more than 5% dye in the paint, hence we have the lighter, brighter shade. I'm sure it will be fine when it's got some plants in front of it.)

Still waiting for a call from the DIY shop to say they have the part in for the cupboard. Tomorrow is Friday; I expect I shall be popping in for a chat.

Yesterday we were walking past a jewellery shop and Adrian offered to buy me something 'sparkly'. (I think he'd forgotten to take his meds in the morning.) Actually, it was lovely to be asked, but I refused on account of having turned into Mrs Practical Person these days, saying that there are far better things to spend money on for me (my current wish-list: a bike, a greenhouse, a bathroom) or even has he thought of saving it? Luckily I always carry a paper bag around with me for such occasions as this when he starts to hyperventilate at my radical 'money-saving' ideas.

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