This my irregular diary of the goings-on in my life. Right now, my family and I are in the process of re-locating back to the UK. And that's about it really.

16 April 2009

An update on our guests arriving this week-end - I will not name names (yet). I knew that they are 'musicians' and the original enquiry was through a third party. The form was completed by the people who are coming to stay and I've spoken to one of them on the phone and he sounded very nice and friendly enough. However, now that I am feeling better, I thought I'd check them out in the internet, just out of interest, as their e-mail address appeared to include the name of the band. Sure enough, I think I've found them - they are a 'death metal' group who describe their 'lyrical themes' as 'Horror movies, gore, slaughter and death'.

I know I mustn't be prejudiced or anything, and as I said, I spoke to one of them and he sounded ok, but I'm kind of having a few concerns now, there is after all a certain image that is conjured up when you think of a death metal band... And what if they bring their groupies back and do a Keith Moon and drive their car into the pool and all that? (I write this with apologies to all the nice people who are or who were in death metal groups.)

I think I might be ill again. Talking of which, Georgia still ill, so I took her to the docs today, she has an ear infection, so naturally I arrived home (via of the chemist) with a large bag of medecines to administer (five boxes of four different drugs).

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