This my irregular diary of the goings-on in my life. Right now, my family and I are in the process of re-locating back to the UK. And that's about it really.

26 May 2010


Ever get the feeling you're being watched?  I went to collect mole hills yesterday from the far end of the garden, next to our neighbours field, didn't take much notice of anything except for where the mole hills were.  Anyway, I was busy chucking all the earth into the wheelbarrow when I sensed I was being watched.  Decided I was stupid, I knew there was no-one there, I hadn't seen the owners car (a bloody great black 4x4, can't miss it), so carried on with collecting the soil.  When I'd finished, I stood up, happened to turn around and sure enough, I was being watched - 23 sheep staring at me.

Went back to the same spot today to collect the latest offerings from our mole population (my spuds are happy at last).  Said good morning to the sheep, (who have since been sheared and look at bit weird, but then they were probably wondering what I was doing anyway) and noticed that there was now a boule pitch-sized area of dead grass next to the boule pitch.  Quelle horreur!!!  Clearly, when I had removed the cover (a sheet of black plastic) off the boule pitch the other day and then left it to dry out on the grass whilst I had lunch (only about an hour or so), it had got extremely hot and scorched all the grass underneath....

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