This my irregular diary of the goings-on in my life. Right now, my family and I are in the process of re-locating back to the UK. And that's about it really.

14 March 2009

Well the thorn is out, so much for it being absorbed by the body, it was rock hard when it appeared, nearly two weeks after it went in, couldn't even make a dent in it with my nail, I will spare you the gory details of it's exit.

Finally finished painting the garden benches, or so I thought, went up to the top of our 'private' bit of garden the other day and found another one. It's in a really sorry state though, so I'll have a go at that one in the summer, it's not urgent. Am currently trying to dig up the roots of several old yukka plants that I chopped down, still got loads of other painting jobs to do and our first reservation is in three weeks time, so there's The Cottage to spring clean, it's in a bit of a state as Dad is currently using it as a workshop.

Had to trek down to Nantes the other day, about an hour and a half drive away, to take Adrian to the hospital. His neurologist at our local hospital has gone on maternity leave and there's no replacement for her. Normally, Adrian only sees her once a year, and after 6 months I call her secretary to get a repeat precription for his injections which duly arrives in the post a few days later. Our doctor, who Adrian has to see every three motnhs for his tabs, called the neurologist in Nantes to ask for a repeat prescription for the jabs, they know each other and our doctor had just done the usual exam on Adrian, but the neurologist refused to issue it, said he wanted to see Adrian first, together with all his MRI's, old paperwork etc, which we had to take over. Managed to get a quick appointment but is was at 6pm. Set off at 4pm, waited until 7pm to see the neurologist, who was running late and didn't even bother looking at most of the paperwork and none of the MRI's, gave Adrian a quick check over, ignored everything I said about how bad his feet are, wrote a letter to the neuroligist at our local hospital who is not there to read it, basically giving a history of Adrian's illness, which she already knows, finally wrote out the prescription and then charged us €55,00 for the pleasure. Plus they charge for car parking now as well. Set off back home via KFC (first one in years, didn't taste like I remember them), got back at 9pm. Had to get my parents to babysit, which included my dad taking Isabella to her dance class after school, which just happened to be temporarily re-housed that week, so could only give him vague directions as to where it was (the mayor provided a 'tent' in the village). All in all, glad to be home.

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