This my irregular diary of the goings-on in my life. Right now, my family and I are in the process of re-locating back to the UK. And that's about it really.

01 September 2009

Don't they realise how hungry we are?

Quite often when our guests go home, they leave yummy and useful foodstuffs behind that they can't be bothered to take home with them, or are unable to. Such as jars of pasta sauce, pasta, tins of toms, rice, sugar, oil, ice creams, chocolaty cereals, fresh fruit and veg, plus enough foil and cling film to last me to next year and plenty of toilet roll too.

Well this year we've had a right bunch of tight wotsits in and so far most of them have left nothing, and what slim pickings have been left include: 2 rolls of recycled toilet roll (defintately NOT soft, not strong, but unfortunately extremely long), half a small packet of whole wheat pasta, half a box of ready brek, half a box of bran flakes, a jar of sweetcorn, a tin of chickpeas, a tin of lentils and a marrow not far off half a metre in length. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for anything, and we'll eat what there is, but it's not exactly a christmas hamper of goodies is it? And what's a girl supposed to do with 19 inches of fat marrow I ask you?

Post script, a week or so later: Some more guests have just left, and I found in their fridge, oh joy of joys, half a bar of chocolate! (Although I'm having trouble with the concept of leaving half a bar of chocolate behind. Why?). And then I went upstairs - oh horror of horrors - more recycled toilet paper. Some kind of cruel joke I think.

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