This my irregular diary of the goings-on in my life. Right now, my family and I are in the process of re-locating back to the UK. And that's about it really.

07 June 2009

Had a busy week with Isabella this week - after the village carnival on Sunday, she had her usual after school dance class, then four hours of dress rehearsals on Wednesday afternoon, school outing to an animal refuge for the day on Thursday (the big trip of the year, usually they're just morning+lunch affairs to do something at another local school), then Friday and Saturday nights it was the dance show - pupils to arrive at 7.45pm, show to start at 8.30pm french time (ie half an later than advertised), finally finished about 12.15AM! Two nights in a row! Poor child was exhausted by the end of the saturday performance. Needless to say, she was an absolute star!

Her group did two dances, one in the first half and then the other in the second half, plus they all came on stage at the end of each half. There are a lot of pupils in the local dance school, so lots of performances to watch, I was dreading it a little (apart from seeing Isabella of course) but I actually enjoyed the evening in the end, although I had to lie in Saturday and Sunday morning on account of being unused to late nights these days - don't think I've been out that late since before I was pregnant with Isabella, such is my social life these days. This morning I also got breakfast in bed as it's mother's day, but I had to wait until Isabella had woken up first!

Adrian saw the first half of the show on Friday with me, but then went home as we had to take Georgia with us as we had no babysitter as my folks are away. She's normally in bed by 7pm, so she ended up falling asleep in my arms during the show and so Adrian took her home. He can't sit long on those chairs anyway, they make his legs painful and whathaveyou.

Was quite chuffed when Isabella came on stage and waved at us, Georgia was standing on my legs at the time and I thought she'd seen us. Turned out she'd seen some boy from school (that she's involved in some love triangle with) and it was him she was waving at...

Hopefully things will calm down a bit now, two weeks till we go away and we are all really looking forward to the break.

Folks get back tomorrow - here endeth the peace - but hopefully they will have Private Eye for me, dry blackthorn for Adrian and chocolate digestives for us all. Somethings you just can't live without.

Have added a new gadget for followers - please sign up - I'd like to know who I'm boring the pants off these days.

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