This my irregular diary of the goings-on in my life. Right now, my family and I are in the process of re-locating back to the UK. And that's about it really.

01 April 2011

New Glasses

Finally bought some new glasses for myself this week.  Can't afford them, but my old ones were very old - I think they were bought before my eldest was born, I would guess about 9 years ago, possibly more.  They are extremely scratched and I can't see out of them so well, even though my eyes haven't changed.
So on Monday, we went to the optition and chose some new glasses, hubby said at the time I looked very nice in them, and even I thought so too.  Went to pick them up today and as I was paying for them, I said to my dear hubby, 'So, do you still like them, then?'.  He replied: 'Well, they make you look a bit like one of those old ladies that do the knitting on the shreddies advert'.

Now, is that worse than the time, many years ago, when we were going out for the evening, I came downstairs after getting ready and he said to me 'Aren't you going to put any make-up on?' (Needless to say, I had some on).

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