This my irregular diary of the goings-on in my life. Right now, my family and I are in the process of re-locating back to the UK. And that's about it really.

14 March 2009

In the garden 1

Am labeling this post so that if you're really not interested in my day to day gardening drivel then you can avoid it easily.

Anyway, did some planting today, got in the mangetout and the first batch of onions and carrots. Already done the garlic and the raspberries are starting to sprout which is good to see. Covered the carrots and mongetout with fleece so hoping that that portects them from any frosts and bugs and the like.

Will do some more onions and carrots in a couple of weeks and the potatoes will go in tubs again, it worked very well last year. Got some melon seeds of a friend to go in and maybe some more strawbs, we shall see.

Adrian and I keep discussing getting some chooks, meat ones though, we don't think layers would be worth it as we don't eat many eggs (only in cakes and the like, the girls and I don't like them). I also have a little dream of rearing pigs, maybe one day... Or maybe ducks - we shall see.

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