Well, we're here. In the UK. So far, things have gone quite smoothly on the whole, which is great, but doesn't give me much to moan about on here.
Although, it has to be said I feel like I've morphed into that strange British phenomenon of 'super-mum'. I've been altering our curtains, by hand, as I've no sewing machine. It's been going well, although somewhat slow. It all went on hold this week when I was given less than a weeks' notice at school to make an Angel costume for Georgia. No material, no pattern and no machine. I was still finishing it yesterday evening to hand in this morning. Then this evening I find myself on a supermarket hunt for muffin cases in order to make cakes for the school fete tomorrow. Just finished those at nearly 9pm. And then there's the school uniform. I don't mind it in principle. Except for the cost. And the bloody washing. Not helped by nothing getting dry in this house, so Friday night, the washing commences, then more on Saturday morning and the last lot Sunday morning, with lots of praying Sunday night that it'll be dry by Monday morning. Sadly no time for ironing it.
Anyway, local folk have been very nice and friendly so far; it's good, but not a great source of material. I might, however, have a whinge sometime about our trials with the helpful folk at the benefits offices. By 'helpful' I of course mean 'thick as shit' and 'wouldn't know their arses from their elbows' and 'economical with the truth' and 'bunch of bloody liars'.